## This file contains the most common config options that a user might want ## to customize. The values are the same as in mpas_analysis/config.default, ## the default config file, which has all possible configuration options. ## Usage: ## 1. Copy this file to a new name for a specific run (say config.myrun). ## 2. Modify any config options you want to change in your new config file. ## At a minimum, you need to specify: ## * [runs]/mainRunName -- A name for the run to be included plot titles ## and legends ## * [input]/baseDirectory -- The directory for the simulation results ## to analyze ## * [input]/mpasMeshName -- The name of the MPAS ocean/sea ice mesh ## * [output]/baseDirectory -- The directory for the analysis results ## * [oceanObservations]/baseDirectory -- The directory for the analysis ## ocean observations ## * [seaIceObservations]/baseDirectory -- The directory for the analysis ## sea ice observations ## * [regions]/regionMaskDirectory -- a directory containing MOC and ## ice shelf region masks ## 3. run: mpas_analysis config.myrun. This will read the configuraiton ## first from config.default and then replace that configuraiton with any ## changes from from config.myrun ## 4. If you want to run a subset of the analysis, you can either set the ## generate option under [output] in your config file or use the ## --generate flag on the command line. See the comments for 'generate' ## in the '[output]' section below for more details on this option. [runs] ## options related to the run to be analyzed and control runs to be ## compared against # mainRunName is a name that identifies the simulation being analyzed. mainRunName = 20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison # preprocessedReferenceRunName is the name of a reference run that has been # preprocessed to compare against (or None to turn off comparison). Reference # runs of this type would have preprocessed results because they were not # performed with MPAS components (so they cannot be easily ingested by # MPAS-Analysis) preprocessedReferenceRunName = None # config file for a control run to which this run will be compared. The # analysis should have already been run to completion once with this config # file, so that the relevant MPAS climatologies already exist and have been # remapped to the comparison grid. Leave this option commented out if no # control run is desired. # controlRunConfigFile = /path/to/config/file # config file for a main run on which the analysis was already run to # completion. The relevant MPAS climatologies already exist and have been # remapped to the comparison grid and time series have been extracted. # Leave this option commented out if the analysis for the main run should be # performed. # mainRunConfigFile = /path/to/config/file [execute] ## options related to executing parallel tasks # the number of parallel tasks (1 means tasks run in serial, the default) parallelTaskCount = 6 # the parallelism mode in ncclimo ("serial" or "bck") # Set this to "bck" (background parallelism) if running on a machine that can # handle 12 simultaneous processes, one for each monthly climatology. ncclimoParallelMode = bck [diagnostics] ## config options related to observations, mapping files and region files used ## by MPAS-Analysis in diagnostics computations. # The base path to the diagnostics directory. Typically, this will be a shared # directory on each E3SM supported machine (see the example config files for # its location). For other machines, this would be the directory pointed to # when running "download_analysis_data.py" to get the public observations, # mapping files and region files. baseDirectory = /compyfs/diagnostics # Directory for mapping files (if they have been generated already). If mapping # files needed by the analysis are not found here, they will be generated and # placed in the output mappingSubdirectory. The user can supply an absolute # path here to point to a path that is not within the baseDirectory above. mappingSubdirectory = mpas_analysis/maps # Directory for region mask files. The user can supply an absolute path here to # point to a path that is not within the baseDirectory above. regionMaskSubdirectory = mpas_analysis/region_masks [input] ## options related to reading in the results to be analyzed # directory containing model results baseDirectory = /compyfs/gola749/E3SM_simulations/20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison/archive # Note: an absolute path can be supplied for any of these subdirectories. # A relative path is assumed to be relative to baseDirectory. # By default, results are assumed to be directly in baseDirectory, # i.e. /./ # subdirectory containing restart files runSubdirectory = /compyfs/gola749/E3SM_simulations/20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison/run # subdirectory for ocean history files oceanHistorySubdirectory = ./ocn/hist # subdirectory for sea ice history files seaIceHistorySubdirectory = ./ice/hist # names of namelist and streams files, either a path relative to baseDirectory # or an absolute path. oceanNamelistFileName = /compyfs/gola749/E3SM_simulations/20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison/run/mpaso_in oceanStreamsFileName = /compyfs/gola749/E3SM_simulations/20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison/run/streams.ocean seaIceNamelistFileName = /compyfs/gola749/E3SM_simulations/20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison/run/mpassi_in seaIceStreamsFileName = /compyfs/gola749/E3SM_simulations/20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison/run/streams.seaice # names of ocean and sea ice meshes (e.g. oEC60to30, oQU240, oRRS30to10, etc.) mpasMeshName = oEC60to30v3 [output] ## options related to writing out plots, intermediate cached data sets, logs, ## etc. # directory where analysis should be written # NOTE: This directory path must be specific to each test case. baseDirectory = /compyfs/gola749/E3SM_simulations/20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison/post/scripts/tmp.86667.IHQS/ts_0001-0150_climo_0101-0150 # subdirectories within baseDirectory for analysis output scratchSubdirectory = scratch plotsSubdirectory = plots logsSubdirectory = logs mpasClimatologySubdirectory = clim/mpas mappingSubdirectory = mapping timeSeriesSubdirectory = timeseries # provide an absolute path to put HTML in an alternative location (e.g. a web # portal) htmlSubdirectory = html # a list of analyses to generate. Valid names can be seen by running: # mpas_analysis --list # This command also lists tags for each analysis. # Shortcuts exist to generate (or not generate) several types of analysis. # These include: # 'all' -- all analyses will be run # 'all_publicObs' -- all analyses for which observations are availabe on the # public server (the default) # 'all_' -- all analysis with a particular tag will be run # 'all_' -- all analyses from a given component (either 'ocean' # or 'seaIce') will be run # 'only_', 'only_' -- all analysis from this component or # with this tag will be run, and all # analysis for other components or # without the tag will be skipped # 'no_' -- skip the given task # 'no_', 'no_' -- in analogy to 'all_*', skip all analysis # tasks from the given compoonent or with # the given tag. Do # mpas_analysis --list # to list all task names and their tags # an equivalent syntax can be used on the command line to override this # option: # mpas_analysis config.analysis --generate # only_ocean,no_timeSeries,timeSeriesSST generate = ['all', 'no_landIceCavities', 'no_eke', 'no_BGC', 'no_icebergs', 'no_min', 'no_max'] [climatology] ## options related to producing climatologies, typically to compare against ## observations and previous runs # the first year over which to average climatalogies startYear = 0101 # the last year over which to average climatalogies endYear = 0150 [timeSeries] ## options related to producing time series plots, often to compare against ## observations and previous runs # start and end years for timeseries analysis. Using out-of-bounds values # like start_year = 1 and end_year = 9999 will be clipped to the valid range # of years, and is a good way of insuring that all values are used. startYear = 0001 endYear = 0150 [index] ## options related to producing nino index. # start and end years for the nino 3.4 analysis. Using out-of-bounds values # like start_year = 1 and end_year = 9999 will be clipped to the valid range # of years, and is a good way of insuring that all values are used. # For valid statistics, index times should include at least 30 years startYear = 0001 endYear = 0150 [oceanObservations] ## options related to ocean observations with which the results will be ## compared # subdirectory within [diagnostics]/baseDirectory where ocean observations are # stored. The user can supply an absolute path here to point to a path that is # not within [diagnostics]/baseDirectory. obsSubdirectory = observations/Ocean [oceanPreprocessedReference] ## options related to preprocessed ocean reference run with which the results ## will be compared (e.g. a POP, CESM or ACME v0 run) # directory where ocean reference simulation results are stored baseDirectory = /dir/to/ocean/reference [seaIceObservations] ## options related to sea ice observations with which the results will be ## compared # subdirectory within [diagnostics]/baseDirectory where sea ice observations # are stored. The user can supply an absolute path here to point to a path # that is not within [diagnostics]/baseDirectory. obsSubdirectory = observations/SeaIce [seaIcePreprocessedReference] ## options related to preprocessed sea ice reference run with which the results ## will be compared (e.g. a CICE, CESM or ACME v0 run) # directory where ocean reference simulation results are stored baseDirectory = /dir/to/seaice/reference [icebergObservations] ## options related to iceberg observations with which the results will be ## compared # subdirectory within [diagnostics]/baseDirectory where iceberg observations # are stored. The user can supply an absolute path here to point to a path # that is not within [diagnostics]/baseDirectory. obsSubdirectory = observations/Icebergs